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Event – Garden Show

13 Aug

Yesterday was the first time I visited a private garden for a garden show and tour.  It was fantastic and inspirational.  An old friend invited me to join her, so rather than looking like a creepy paparazzi armed with a digital SLR, I opted for a nonchalant point-and-shoot.  Boy was I both glad and disappointed.  Most people were clicking away with their iPhones so I was already photographically overdressed, but the photos that came out were pretty mediocre.  Maybe I’ve learned my lesson and won’t care about wearing my geek flag next time.  I’m sure the photos will be worth it.

Walking into Mr. John Ward’s garden was like opening a gardening magazine and stepping inside.  Beautiful use of vertical space, small-space raised beds and green, green everywhere.  The above two photos I’ve seen in my landscaping books and in- like I said- magazines, but never have I seen it in person.  The amount of plants packed in there was incredible, and without illiciting a jungle-like feeling.  (Actually, in my mind I wouldn’t mind living in a jungle.  Don’t grant my mind any wishes- it could be dangerous.)

A few things strike my curiosity.  As a poor homeowner, the deterioration of my property is at the forefront of every decision.  Like here, will the structures holding up the containers against the walls finally give out eventually and rip holes into the fence?  If the screws are not deep enough the apparatus won’t hold, but if they are deep enough, won’t the neighbors experience a nasty surprise every now and then?  And finally, humidity.  Now, I have no scientific backing for this but I believe that a healthy dose of humidity keeps the wood strong.  Too little and it will crack, too much and it will rot.  Vines and terra cotta planters against the fence: how long until the fence goes soft?  Beauty is so worrisome.

There were a lot of wonderful metal and wired structures. A good bargain hunter will probably be able to get a ton of these easily over time.  Unfortunately, I am not one of them.  I suppose I will have to learn.  As it turns out, metal structures are just as wonderful as wooden structures when it comes to utilizing vertical space.  As long as you don’t mind the rust.  (I don’t, but the Mister might start hinting pretty hard.)

I learned a lot of things on this tour, and I am already working to employ the most sincere form of flattery.  Hope to have photos to show soon!